Tuesday 17 March 2020

Microdisney Daunt Square To Elsewhere Anthology 1982 -1988

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There have been a few Irish bands over the years that should be, if not still with us, at least respected by anyone who claims to like terrific pop music. Cork's Microdisney were one such; driven by the twin efforts of vocalist/lyricist Cathal Coughlan and guitarist Sean O'Hagan, Microdisney left Cork for London in a (as it turned out) deluded effort to rid the world of bad pop music and replace it with good stuff. This the band did in the 1980s through albums as fine as The Clock Comes Down the Stairs, Crooked Mile and 39 Minutes. Over the course of a double album, we come to the conclusion that, following a rocky start, Microdisney mutated into a lyrically vituperative and quite subversive pop group. Bilious they might have been - shafted as they were by the music industry and their own self-lacerating disdain - but they were also quite brilliant.

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