Saturday 27 August 2016

Placebo Placebo 10th Anniversary Collectors Edition

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Debut albums don't come much more auspicious. Placebo's eponymous opener has all the hallmarks of a band destined for stardom - a style that successfully crosses the post-punk, indie and grunge genres, intelligent writing and one of the most marketable and enigmatic singers of his generation. And whilst the Placebo sound isn't yet fully developed, there is plenty for the listener to marvel at, as the androgynous Molko quickly hooks you into his own particular brand of tortured and twisted melancholy. Teenage Angst, 36 Degrees, Nancy Boy and Bruise Pristine were all destined to become singles and whilst the other tracks are not as punchy, they are equally deserved of a place here and give early notice of the band's impressive repertoire and range of ambition


  1. sorry just saw this , can you upload the Placebo links again please , or just this one , many thanks

  2. Hello Morderator New Placebo Links Up & Running

  3. Hello Ross New Placebo & Mansun Requested Links Up & Running

  4. Thank you Aid. Appreciate it.
