Wednesday, 1 June 2016

Pete Wylie & Wah! The Mongrel ‎Infamy! Or How I Didn't Get Where I Am Today

Pete Wylie & Wah! The Mongrel Infamy! Or How I Didn't Get Where I Am Today

Get It At Discogs
Peter Wylie is not an artist who plays it safe. Following the success of Sinful, Wylie returned to his band name of Wah! (dropping the "Mighty" but adding "Mongrel") and created this somewhat difficult, angry album. Whereas on past releases Wylie wrote some very melodic tunes, this is not really the case here. He jams in words much like a rap artist, but this is not rap. This is angry rock & roll. Wylie's guitar work has never sounded so tight and loud, and the vocals are as strong as ever. The overall production is very hard and KLF's presence is felt throughout the songs, but through all of the sound, this is still a Peter Wylie album.


  1. He's just got such a brilliant back catalogue. A national treasure!


  2. thanx for this

  3. Hi, Any chance you could re-post Infamy! or How I Didn't Get Where I Am Today by Pete Wylie & Wah? Thank you!
