Saturday, 5 March 2016

The Heart Throbs ‎Cleopatra Grip

The Heart Throbs Cleopatra Grip

Get It At Discogs
The debut album by Liverpool's Heart Throbs (led by the twin sisters of late Echo & the Bunnymen drummer Pete DeFrietas) slots neatly into the overriding musical styles of U.K. indie pop circa 1990, mixing the post-punk directness of the Primitives, the swirling, dreamlike textures of the shoegazers, and the flirtations with dance rhythms introduced by the previous summer's Madchester explosion. However, the Heart Throbs definitely had their own unique style; for one thing, singer Rose Carlotti's lyrics, from the suggestive album title on down, are forthrightly female-centric in the manner of the Au Pairs' Lesley Woods or early PJ Harvey. It can be difficult to hear Carlotti behind Martin Hannett's echoey, hollow production, which shifts the guitars to the forefront, but the intent of songs like "She's in a Trance" and the searing, My Bloody Valentine-like "Kiss Me When I'm Starving" remains clear regardless. The slightly poppier singles "Tossed Away" and "Dreamtime" are the album's highlights but, while a couple of the songs coast by simply on atmosphere, Cleopatra Grip is a luxurious and compelling listen.


  1. Such a shame the link is dead.
    Thanks for all yuor posts on this great blog.

  2. Hello Sam Buster New Link Up & Running

  3. Thank you.
    This is a band that somehow passed me by back in the day despite being on some compilation tapes I had.
    I only noticed/remembered them when trying to rebuild my old Indie Top 20 compilations (not an easy task).

  4. Thanks so much for the re-up ! :) I remember apart from The Heart Throbs, there's another band that I also loved on One Little Indian label, called The Popinjays ! It'll be great if you can have a feature on them. Thanks.

  5. Hello, Aid00. Please can you repost this album? I'm looking for...a long time

  6. Hello Betto Skin New Link Up & Running

  7. Do you also have their Jubilee Twist Album pls?

  8. Hello Anonymous Here's The Heart Throbs Jubilee Twist

  9. Many thanks again

  10. just discovered this band... any chance of a Cleopatra Grip (or anything else) re-up please? many thanks

  11. Hello Anonymous Here The Heart Throbs Albums/Singles

  12. Awesome! Many thank, Aid00.
