Wednesday 1 April 2015

The Ocean Blue Beneath The Rhythm And Sound

Get It At Discogs

Beneath the Rhythm and Sound is a carefree, simple album. The music is so light and airy –- and it flows so perfectly –- that listening to it will make you feel like you’re floating. The album has an excellent mix of dreamy songs (like “Ice Skating at Night”) and somewhat bouncy songs (like “Sublime”). It’s not necessarily dance music, though a few of the songs may cause you to spontaneously bust a move. It’s head-bobbing music. The Ocean Blue’s music is extremely poppy. And I don’t mean that in the glitzy-cheeseball-pop sense. I mean it in the fun-and-simple-Beatles-pop sense. These guys don’t need expensive costumes and fancy dance moves to make them great musicians. I definitely recommend adding Beneath the Rhythm and Sound to your collection

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